NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group.
The Clinical Commissioning Groups ceased to exist from the 1 July 2022, and were replaced by the Integrated Care System.
Between April 2013 and June 2022, CCGs had a statutory responsibility for commissioning most NHS services including urgent and emergency care, acute care, mental health and community services. As they developed, they increasingly were also involved in commissioning primary care and some specialised services. Hull CCG had responsibility for the commissioning of health services to meet the health needs of the people of Hull. Prior to 2013, Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) had this responsibility.
Data and information will continue to be available at CCG level for some time after July 2022, so the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment will reference the CCG on numerous topic pages, particularly those presenting primary care / general practice level such as the prevalence of diagnosed disease and medical conditions from the Quality and Outcomes Framework dataset.
Also see Integrated Care System and Quality and Outcomes Framework.