The Office for Health Improvement & Disparities produces its Public Health Profiles, generally referred to as Fingertips on These profiles display indicators for a range of health and public health measures as well as a wide range of indicators relating to the wider determinants of health. The values of these indicators are generally displayed at local authority level, although at other geographical levels too such as for Clinical Commissioning Groups, sub-Integrated Care Board areas within the Integrated Care System, or GP practices, and offer a comparison of these indicators for the local authority with their regional average and the national average. The trends for these indicators are also displayed.
Our Hull JSNA website uses a plugin to take the values for these indicators directly from Fingertips and displays them ‘live’ on our website, so that the figures are as up-to-date as those on Fingertips.
Also see Public Health Outcomes Framework, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Integrated Care System.