“The Health and Social Care Act 2012 establishes health and wellbeing boards as a forum where key leaders from the health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. Health and wellbeing board members will collaborate to understand their local community’s needs, agree priorities and encourage commissioners to work in a more joined-up way. As a result, patients and the public should experience more joined-up services from the NHS and local councils in the future. Each top tier and unitary Local Authority has established its own health and wellbeing board in shadow form from April 2012. Boards will take on their statutory functions from April 2013. The Health and Social Care Bill mandates a minimum membership of: a local elected council member, the director of public health for the local authority and representatives of the local Healthwatch organisation, local clinical commissioning group, director for adult social services, director for children’s services and director of public health”.
Local Government Association, Health and Wellbeing Boards Leadership Offer. Local Government Association: London, 2014.
Also see Health and Wellbeing Strategy.