This section covers statistics and information relating to population in Hull including Population Estimates, Race and Ethnicity, Population Projections, Causes of Death, and Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy. Information relating to births can be found under Births and Infant Health within Pregnancy and Infants within Children and Young People.
People at different ages and stages of their lives have different health needs. Thus in order to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities of the people living in Hull, it is essential to understand the population to determine current and future health needs so planning can take into account differences and changes over time.
As well as understanding the make up of the population in terms of age and gender, it is also necessary to consider the number of people from minority ethnic groups.
Examining life expectancy at birth and healthy life expectancy at birth are good ways to assess and compare the current mortality rates of different populations as well as examine inequalities and assess levels of progress by examining trends over time.
Life expectancy at birth is the number of years a newborn might live based on current death rates. It is not the number of years a newborn will live as it is unlikely that current death rates will remain the same throughout their entire lifetime. Healthy life expectancy gives the number of years they might live in a ‘healthy’ state (or in ‘good health’). Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy can be examined at different ages as well as at birth. This section also includes information on the number of deaths and causes of deaths.
Information on the number of births is given under Births and Infant Health within Pregnancy and Infants within Children and Young People.
This page was last updated / checked on 25 March 2024.
This page is due to be updated / checked in March 2025.