A Glossary is available within Tools and Resources which provides further information on abbreviations and definitions, and gives additional explanation on a wide ranging set of topics relating to geographical areas, statistics and health on topics such as confidence intervals, life expectancy, geographical areas of Hull, different diseases, etc.
However, if you require further information or have any queries on any content within Hull’s JSNA, please contact us on [email protected].
Where To Find the Information You Want
Each topic area is on an individual website page and these pages can be accessed through the Main Menu. Click on Show Navigation (or box with lines) in the top right corner of the page to show the Main Menu, then click on the down arrows to to to Sub Menu items or individual topic pages.
For more information on finding the page you want, please see the Contents Page / Site Map.
A wealth of information is provided on these pages for Hull’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, but if you cannot find something or would like further information, please contact us on [email protected].
Fingertips Profiles
Hull’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment uses information from a wide variety of sources, which includes information from the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities’ Fingertips. Our JSNA website pages retrieve the figures directly from Fingertips and display them on our website, so they should always be as up-to-date as the information on Fingertips.
Some of the statements on our website may not agree with the latest data if the Fingertips has been updated since that web page was last updated, but there is a ‘last updated’ date on the bottom of each page together with a date of when the page is due to be next updated or checked. Furthermore, there may be occasions when the data does not show on our JSNA website as geographical coding on Fingertips has changed. If this is the case, or you have any queries relating to any of our specific web pages and/or the Fingertips data displayed, please Contact us.
Whilst our JSNA displays ‘live’ data from Fingertips, it is possible to access Fingertips directly and search for indicators. Their website gives further information and more functionality if required. Fingertips can be accessed through
The Office for Health Improvement & Disparities produced a Fingertips User Guide (downloads PDF document from OHID website) which provides further information on Fingertips and how to use it, as well as a YouTube video.
However, the layout and the display of Fingertips have changed substantially since the PDF and YouTube video were produced. Nevertheless, both still contains useful information relating to Fingertips in relation to the ‘domains’, ‘views’ and ‘geography’ available within the Tool.
This page was last updated / checked on 16 October 2024.
This page is due to be updated / checked in March 2025.