A number of specific diseases and medical conditions are measured within the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) within primary care. As part of the General Medical Services contract implemented in 2004, QOF was set out as a means for general practices to measure achievement against a set of clinical and other indicators that reflected the quality of care provided to their patients. A national system was established to support the calculation of GP practice payments according to the achievements against QOF.
There are a number of indicators around establishing a register of patients with specific conditions, and these indicators can be used to provide an estimate of the prevalence of the recorded levels of diagnosed disease.
The latest information for the 2023/24 financial year has been published. Further information can be found within a Local Analysis of the Quality and Outcomes Framework Data which is available under Tools and Resources.
The diagnosed prevalence (and any statistically significant association between the prevalence and average age of patients or average deprivation score of patients) is given within the relevant disease and medical condition under Health Factors within Adults or in the case of learning disabilities and mental ill health under Vulnerable Groups.